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Maico MI34

Audiometric Test Rooms
Electroacoustic Ears
Noise Dosimeters
Sound Level Meters
Vision Testers


Speed and simplicity
Maico combines the speed and simplicity of an impedance screener with the added functions of reflexes and reflex decay tests usually found only in more expensive diagnostic instruments.
Automatic test results
The MA 34 performs automatic impedance measurements for screening or in-depth middle-ear evaluations quickly and easily. In just seconds the results are displayed on the LCD screen and be printed out after each test automatically. Special diagnostic testing for IPSI and CONTRA reflexes, reflex decay and Eustachian tube functions are included in this powerful and versatile instrument.
Guaranteed to meet your demands
The Maico MI 34 is a lightweight, easy to use impedance screener/diagnostic instrument that will provide reliable, accurate results for years to come.
Technical Data
Tympanometry Mode
Probe Frequency 226 Hz +/- 2% typical
Probe Intensity 85 dB SPL into a 2cc cavity
Pressure Range + 200 to -400 daPa
Volume Range 0 to 5.0 ml
Accuracy +/-10 or 10 daPa
whichever is greater
Rate Of Sweep Variable, 550 daPa/sec. max.
200 daPa/sec. near peak
Test Time Less then 2 seconds typical
Compliance Ranges 0-1.5 ml or 0-3 ml
(automatic selection)
Reflex Mode
IPSI Frequencies 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 Hz +/- 2%
IPSI Intensities 70 - 105 dB HL
(105 dB HL max. at 4000 Hz), on/off ratio greater then 70 dB, rise /fall time 10 msec. typical
CONTRA Intensities 70 - 105 dB HL
(105 dB HL max. at 4000 Hz)
Pressure Automatically set to
peak value on tympanogram
Reflex Decay Mode
Reflex Frequencies 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, Hz +/- 2%
Contra Intensities 70 - 105 dB HL
(105 dB HL max. at 4000 Hz)
Pressure Automatically set to
peak value on tympanogram
Test Time 13 seconds, 10 seconds
auto tone present
Eustachian Tube Function Mode
Pressure Range +400 to -400 daPa,
whichever is greater
Accuracy +/-10% or +/-10 daPa
whichever is greater
LCD type graphical display shows graph of tympanogram, peak compliance, peak pressure, canal volume, gradient, reflex, graph, and conclusion
Dimensions 15" W X 4" H X 13" D
38.1 cm W x 10.2 cm H x 33cm D
Weight 10 lb / 4.5 kg
Voltage 117 / 234 volts AC, switchable
Standard Accessories
Part Number Part
6613 16 ear tip set
5496 Roll of paper
570-14 Reflex decay probe
600-16 Calibration cavity
4793 CONTRA phone receiver
1025-35 CONTRA phone cord
Optional Accessories
1035-3002 Carrying case
600-4A Screening probe assembly


Correspondence and orders can be sent to:                     LIPIN/DIETZ ASSOCIATES, INC. 



TELEPHONE (203) 453-8888


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Copyright © 2001 Lipin/Dietz Associates, Inc.
Last modified: December 11, 2001