When measurement flexibility is a must, but time histories and printouts are not, the Q-200 provides a cost effective solution. The display and keypad functions allow access to important information and user set-up of a broad range of functions. The Q-200 displays Sound Pressure Level, Max and Min Levels, Peak Level, Averages (Leq or Lavg), Time Weighted Average, Sound Exposure Level, Dose and Projected Eight-Hour Dose and Exposure in Pascal Squared Hours. This data is provided for each of three simultaneous dosimeters with user selectable criterion, threshold and exchange rates. The user may also select A or C weighting, and Fast or Slow response. Flexibility, durability, ease of use and affordability are joined together to make the Q-200 a powerful dosimeter for display-only applications. When printouts are required select the Q-220P* model. The Q-200 is designed for applications including industrial, mining, military and law enforcement. Its tough case and easy operation make it ideal for exposure evaluations, work site assessments and compliance verification. FEATURES
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