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Spirometrics Flowmate III

Audiometric Test Rooms
Electroacoustic Ears
Noise Dosimeters
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Vision Testers



Recognized Leadership in flow spirometry takes form in the Flowmate III. Fast, accurate testing of pulmonary function is portable and affordable.

FULL FUNCTION. Every one of today's spirometry tests can be performed with your Flowmate III.

EXTENSIVE MEMORY. Flowmate III can store the test results for 5 Patients; an optional Memory Card can hold test results for 118 patients, allowing you to print results at your convenience. Most 8 1/2" X 11" printers are supported.

EXTENDED LIFE. The Flowmate III delivers up to 4.5 hours of continuous portable performance from an overnight battery charge.

CROSS-CONTAMINATION PROTECTION. An inline filter protects the Flowmate III circuit from interpatient contamination.

PORTABLE & COMPACT DESIGN. Battery operated and molded from high impact UL-rated ABS plastic for lightweight design

PREDICTED NORMALS. Composite, Knudson, Crapo (ITS), ECCS, HSU, LAM.

CUSTOMIZATION. Allows user to change report formats, temperature, barometric pressure and printer drivers; lithium battery backup. Back pressure less than 1.5 cmH2O/L/S.

Validation. Complies with ATS, NIOSH and OSHA standards.

Contamination Control. Cross-contamination control via an external filter system.

Worldwide Warranty. Full 24-month warranty of the Flowmate III's components, parts and labor. Additional 3-year Extended Warranty / Trade-in program available.



Recognized Leadership in flow spirometry takes form in the Flowmate III. Fast, accurate testing of pulmonary function is portable and affordable.

FULL FUNCTION. Every one of today's spirometry tests can be performed with your Flowmate III.

EXTENSIVE MEMORY. Flowmate III can store the test results for 5 Patients; an optional Memory Card can hold test results for 118 patients, allowing you to print results at your convenience. Most 8 1/2" X 11" printers are supported.

EXTENDED LIFE. The Flowmate III delivers up to 4.5 hours of continuous portable performance from an overnight battery charge.

CROSS-CONTAMINATION PROTECTION. An inline filter protects the Flowmate III circuit from interpatient contamination.

PORTABLE & COMPACT DESIGN. Battery operated and molded from high impact UL-rated ABS plastic for lightweight design

PREDICTED NORMALS. Composite, Knudson, Crapo (ITS), ECCS, HSU, LAM.

CUSTOMIZATION. Allows user to change report formats, temperature, barometric pressure and printer drivers; lithium battery backup. Back pressure less than 1.5 cmH2O/L/S.

Validation. Complies with ATS, NIOSH and OSHA standards.

Contamination Control. Cross-contamination control via an external filter system.

Worldwide Warranty. Full 24-month warranty of the Flowmate III's components, parts and labor. Additional 3-year Extended Warranty / Trade-in program available.




Height 2.5"
Depth 5.5"
Width 8.75"


Net Weight 3 lbs 13 oz.

Power Requirements
Battery Six 1.2 volt AA Ni-Cad batteries
AC Adapter AC adapter is UL 544 recognized 9 volts DC @ 1 amp. Power consumption is 200 milliamps in operation; batter recharge time is 12 hours.

Temperature Operating Range 50F to 104F (10C to 40C)
Maximum Storage Temperature 150F (68C)

User Interface
Display 2 by 40 LCD Display
Keypad 20 key membrane switch keypad.

Patient Data
ID Number Up to 16 digits including periods (.), and slashes (/).
Age 1 to 99 years.
Sex Male, Female.
Race Caucasian, Black, Non-Caucasian, Asian.
Height Up to three digits, in inches or centimeters.
Weight Up to three digits (optional entry) customizable as lbs. or kgs.
Smoke 0 - 60 cigarettes per day.

FVC Forced Vital Capacity
MVV Maximum Voluntary Ventilation
VC Vital Capacity (otherwise known as Slow VC)
Challenge Methacholine Challenge

FVC Maneuver
FVC Forced Vital Capacity
FEV1 1 second Forced Vital Capacity
FEV3 * 3 second Forced Vital Capacity
FEV1/FVC % FEV1 Ratio
FEF25-75% Mid Expiratory Flow Rate
FEF75-85% * Late Expiratory Flow Rate
FEF200-1200 * Forced Expiratory Flow Rate between 200ml and 1200ml
FEF50 * Forced Expiratory Flow Rate at 50% of FVC
PEF Peak Expiratory Flow
FIVC * Forced Inspiratory Vital Capacity
FIF50 * Forced Inspiratory Flow at 50% of FVC
FIF50/FEF50 * Ratio of FEF50 to FIF50
PIF * Peak Inspiratory Flow
COPD Risk Assessment
Lung Age Lung Age Assessment based on FEV1
NOTE: FEV timing is based on back extrapolation
* these indices appear on the expanded reports
MVV Maneuver
MVV Volume Volume Expired per minute
MVV Rate Breaths per minute
VC Maneuver
VC Vital Capacity
ATI Air Trapping Index
FVC Forced Vital Capacity
FEV1 1 second Forced Vital Capacity
PD20 Provocative Dose
Maximum Flow Rate +/- 16liters/second
Accuracy +/- 3%
Resolution 12 bit A/D
Sampling Rate 150Hz
Back Pressure 1.1 cmH2O/L/S@ 14L/S

BTPS calculated automatically - based on user input for environmental conditions.
Temperature 50F to 104F (10C to 40C)
Barometric Pressure 20 to 35 inches of mercury, 500 to 900 millimeters of mercury. Input values determines units automatically.

BEST TEST DETERMINATIONS (pertains to FVC trials only)
FVC Largest regardless of test
FEV1 Largest regardless of test
Ratio Combination of Best FEV1/Best FVC
Flow Rates Taken from the trace with the greatest sum of FVC and FEV1
Patient Effort Requires clinician to evaluate acceptable or unacceptable patient effort. Discards tests the clinician deems as unacceptable.
Variability Compares indices of current test with best test in memory. Displays and prints variability as %. Variability greater than 5% for the FVC and/or the FEV1 is regarded as poor reproducibility.
Expiratory Time If forced expiratory time is less than 6 seconds, a "TEST TOO SHORT" message will be displayed.
Extrapolated Volume If extrapolated volume is greater than 5% of the FVC, a "SLOW START" message will be displayed.
Interpretations Obstruction, Restriction, or Ventilary disorder.

Graphic Output Printouts according to ATS scale specifications.
Printer Results External printer with selectable print drivers within customization. Results printed on standard 8.5" x 11" paper. Standard DB-25 Female IBM PC pin out to standard Centronic connection.
Patient Storage Internal minimum of 5 patients. External storage with optional memory card for an additional 118 patients (64 pin battery backup RAM Card compatible with PCMCIA 2.0 connection).
FVC - 6 trials each patient
MVV - 2 trials each patient
VC - 6 trials each patient
Test Numbering Numbers each patient trial that is acceptable consecutively regardless of the type of test for recall later.

Syringe Selectable from 1 to 9 liters at ATPS. Daily calibration is recommended on days testing is to be performed. Calibration reports print out automatically if printer is connected and is on-line.



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Send mail to rdietz@lipindietz.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2001 Lipin/Dietz Associates, Inc.
Last modified: November 29, 2001